Paxster gingerbread competition in Amedia!

Just before Christmas, our super enthusiastic and great customer, Jens Aaardalsbakke from Amedia took the initiative to arrange an internal competition for all terminal managers in Helt Hjem. He ordered 3D printed gingerbread forms from us designed like a Paxster and said he would use them for an internal competition. Check out the result!

Photos are shared with permission

Of course he would get Paxster gingerbread forms from us! Secretly he produced 100 (!) Paxster gingerbreads and sent them out to all terminal managers in Amedia asking them to decorate them the best possible way. All they had to was to send him photos of their masterpieces and then wait for the winners to be announced. 

Prizes for the most natural and most creative Paxster gingerbread

The results came in one by one and a selection was made by a jury from Paxster. Of course, a good justification was attached. 

The winner of the most natural-looking gingerbread: 

“The winner has hit well on both colors and design. So good, it should have been produced in several editions”

The winner of the most creative gingerbread: 

“Beautiful use of the skull. It seems like there is a green brainbehind this. Simply a “deadly green solution“. 


Congratulations to the winners! We love your engagement!